3 Banken Group
With the syndicate contract that the BTV, Oberbank, BKS Bank and (at that time) the credit institute entered into in 1952, the cornerstone was laid for the 3 Banken Group. An association of three independent, strong regional banks that even today represents a convincing and highly competitive counter-model to international financial corporations.
![Map of Austria showing the market areas of the 3 Banken Group.](https://btv-bank.de/uploads/2024/03/Laenderkarte_3_Banken_Gruppe_2024_blau.png)
Strong in all locations
The 3 Banken Group is present in all countries bordering Austria. For example, the BTV has locations in South Germany (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Mannheim, Memmingen, Munich, Nuremberg, Ravensburg, and Stuttgart) and in East Switzerland (Staad am Bodensee and Winterthur). The BKS Bank is represented in Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy. The Oberbank in turn covers the regions of South and Central Germany, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.
Shared values
The three banks are not only connected through reciprocal shareholdings, which secure their autonomy and independence. Their business philosophies – near to the customer, regional market knowledge, and a conservative business policy – are strongly similar. Naturally, the three banks cooperate voluntarily and according to democratic principles. That cooperation conveys security, creates trust, and leads to cost-saving synergy effects.
Use synergy effects
To build and enhance know-how together, the three banks founded the joint EDP company ‘3 Banken IT GmbH’, ‘3 Banken Versicherungsmakler Gesellschaft m.b.H’ and, together with the Generali Group – ‘3 Banken-Generali Investment-Gesellschaft m.b.H.’.
Contact person Investor Relations
Dr. Reinhard Pircher, M.B.L.-HSG
Division Head for Legal and Participations
T +43 505 333 – 1500