Corporate Governance
The Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg Aktiengesellschaft (‘BTV’) commits to comply with the Principles of Corporate Governance. We are only too glad to take on this responsibility in line with our positioning as a bank with spirit and attitude.

Shareholder structure
Which ownership structure suits a bank distinguished by independence, openness, and proximity to its customers? In 1986, the BTV decided to open up its ownership structure and go public. So it deliberately decided on transparency and ongoing, comprehensive justification of its activity. Not least our responsibility toward our shareholders, which we take very seriously, has made the BTV a highly profitable company.

Independent, autonomous, and entrepreneurial: This is how BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards think.
Values-oriented corporate governance
The Austrian Corporate Governance Codex prescribes the principles of good corporate governance and is viewed by investors as an important guide. As a company listed on the Austrian stock exchange, BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards unanimously decided in the meeting of the Supervisory Board on 23 March 2018 to commit to the Austrian Corporate Governance Codex in the version from January 2018.
Since then, the BTV has aimed to continually increase the company value. BTV’s position on the market cannot be viewed in isolation: since the 3 Banken Group is publicly known as Oberbank, BKS Bank, and BTV, it wishes to fully live up to its responsibility. So the three banks are committed to values-oriented, transparent corporate governance as defined by the Principles of Corporate Governance.
Corporate Governance Report and Codex
In accordance with the statutory provisions, BTV prepares a Corporate Governance Report in which deviations from C-rules of the Corporate Governance Codex are explained and justified.
Corporate Governance Report (only available in German)
Codex (only available in German)
Code of Conduct
Aware of its social responsibility, the BTV has described its basic stance and values in its Code of Conduct and laid down its minimum standards for respectful, trusting interactions with each other. The Code of Conduct is a form of voluntary self-commitment to behave lawfully and in accordance with ethical principles.
Code of Conduct (only in german)
Code of Conduct for suppliers
Publications pursuant to § 65(a) BWG
Publications pursuant to § 65(a) BWG (only available in German)
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(a) and 98(a) AktG (Austrian Stock Corporation Act)
On 10 May 2023, the 105th regular shareholders’ meeting of the BTV decided on the remuneration policy for members of BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards.
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(c) and 98(a) AktG
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(c) and 98(a) AktG 2023 (only available in German)
On 15 May 2024, the 106th regular shareholders’ meeting of the BTV decided on the remuneration policy for members of BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards.
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(c) and 98(a) AktG 2022 (only available in German)
On 10 May 2023, the 105th regular shareholders’ meeting of the BTV decided on the remuneration policy for members of BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards.
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(c) and 98(a) AktG 2021 (only available in German)
On 11 May 2022, the 104th regular shareholders’ meeting of the BTV decided on the remuneration policy for members of BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards.
Remuneration policy pursuant to §§ 78(c) and 98(a) AktG 2020 (only available in German)
On 7 May 2021, the 103rd regular shareholders’ meeting of the BTV decided on the remuneration policy for members of BTV’s Management and Supervisory Boards.
Charter (only available in German)
Contact person Investor Relations
Dr. Reinhard Pircher, M.B.L.-HSG
Division Head for Legal and Participations
T +43 505 333 – 1500